
Brazilian tax legislation is complex and dynamic, subject to constant changes, and conflicting interpretations from authorities, jurisdictions, and judicial and administrative courts.  In this environment, business executives are constantly challenged to decide quickly without generating risk and institutional and personal exposure, ensuring that they are choosing the best for the company. The 25-year experience providing tax advice to large national and multinational business groups are the credentials that assure that CalvetNeves is the ideal partner for any tax-related issue. Whether drafting legal opinions on matters of great complexity or through participation in meetings, telephone conversations and answering e-mail inquiries, CalvetNeves will provide a tailored and agile service, with excellence guaranteed from constant legal updating, practical experience, and academic qualification.  Some examples of work in the area:

– Interpretation of federal, state and municipal tax legislation, in order to advise the client on the most appropriate procedures, minimizing risks and taking advantage of the benefits;

–  Tax planning so that the company has the fairest tax burden for its business activity, seeking just tax saving opportunities;

– International tax consulting, on both inbound and outbound investments;

– Tax planning for mergers and acquisitions;

– Examination of the Brazilian repercussions of the adoption of IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards on the taxation of the local legal entity;

– Tax contingency risk analysis for accounting provisioning purposes.

Brazil is a tax litigious country. Challenging the frequent tax assessments issued by municipalities, states and the federal governments often demands knowledge that goes beyond tax law, especially the accounting and financial aspects related to taxation. CalvetNeves speaks the language of the client’s officers or employees, whether they are a member of the legal, tax, accounting, or financial department, and provides advice to ensure that all points for a complete defense are addressed.

CalvetNeves also prepares and files formal consultation procedures on interpretation of municipal, state, and federal tax legislation, but only if it finds that the consultation process with the authorities is the most appropriate solution for the situation faced by the client.

This practice responds to an immediate and clear demand from market and society, in the sense that that companies should look to all their stakeholders.  Corporate social responsibility reduces several business risks, such as: loss of reputation, of talented workforce, of stock value and of brand value. At the same time, it helps the company reduce its insurance cost and makes it a relevant agent in achieving social justice. CalvetNeves sees business as a partner of the State and proposes solutions that are profit-oriented and consider the social aspects of the project and its effects for the entire community.

Here are some examples of situations where CalvetNeves can help companies achieve corporate social responsibility:

– In helping obtain ‘license to operate’ from the community for large projects, to avoid/reduce risks of the project stopping in the future due to community opposition.

– Examining the social impacts of infrastructure projects: Brazilian legislation is insufficient in relation to social impact, because its analysis is made within the environmental reports and the requirements are not always what is expected of a social impact assessment of international standard;

– Negotiating tax and sectorial incentives with municipal, state and federal governments, so that the client achieves an optimal result for both its objectives and for the community receiving the investment.  

–  Providing advice on labor negotiations:  Brazil has relaxed labor rules very rapidly, resulting in informal labor arrangements that affect approximately half of the population. CalvetNeves can work together with the client and labor lawyers to find solutions that are fair for the company and the service provider, going beyond what the legislation and the precedents provide and protecting the client’s image.  

Reviewing ethical standards adopted by suppliers, to prevent questionable procedures causing harm to client.

– Drafting or reviewing codes of conduct.

Political/legal analysis of the Brazilian scenario, including bills of laws that are being discussed in the legislative branches, so that the investor can take a decision anticipating possible changes to the existing setting.

CalvetNeves partners with leading law firms in the practices of tax litigation, employment, commercial & trade, intellectual property, administrative law, accounting, environment, and tax compliance, to offer the client the best overall service from leading specialists. Such partnerships allow clients to hire CalvetNeves to lead large projects, such as to conduct due diligence for mergers and acquisitions and financing.